Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Life Technologies Named #33 among Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations

Life Technologies Corporation (LIFE) announced today it is #33 among the "Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations."  The Global 100 2013 list was announced at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland earlier today.

The goal of the Global 100 is to highlight the 100 top-performing stocks worldwide on a range of sector-specific sustainability metrics in managing environmental, social and corporate governance issues.  Of the 12 key performance indicators, Life Technologies rated highly in resource management – reducing its energy use, water consumption, waste generation and CO2 emissions as a percentage of revenue.

"In the past five years, we have radically transformed our company in the pursuit of a better sustainable business model – one that is more efficient, smarter, and with a lighter footprint," said Cristina Amorim, Chief Sustainability Officer for Life Technologies.  "Being named to the Global 100 is recognition of the many changes – both large and small – made by the people of Life Technologies."

Life Technologies is the first life science company "moving off the grid" with a Bloom Energy fuel cell system. The system self-generates electricity for the company's manufacturing and distribution centers in Carlsbad, California, reducing carbon emissions by 30 percent and increasing energy reliability.  By reducing both its carbon emissions and operational costs, the company is well positioned to thrive in a circular economy.

Last year the company took on Zero Waste, not only as a green initiative but also to stay ahead of regulatory requirements and cut operating costs.  Manufacturing sites in Pleasanton, California; Kingsland Grange, UK; Regensburg, Germany and Bleiswijk, Netherlands have achieved Zero Waste status, meaning more than 90 percent of their non-hazardous waste now finds a home somewhere other than a landfill.

"From ideation to end of life, we challenge how we manage our raw materials, energy, water, packaging and product take-back to become ever more resource efficient," added Amorim.

The "Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations" list is produced by Corporate Knights, a Canadian media and investment research company dedicated to promoting "clean capitalism."

"The Global 100 are leading a resource productivity revolution, transforming waste into treasure and doing more with less," said Toby Heaps, Corporate Knights CEO.  "They are steering our civilization away from ecological overshoot and back to a place of balance with our planet."

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